HCMR – Institute of Marine Biological Resources
and Inland Water
The Hellenic Center for Marine Research is a public research body supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
The HCMR’s Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Water is implementing research activities in the country’s internal and coastal waters and within its priorities include: monitoring environmental resources and ecosystems, assessing the ecological status of surface water, protecting biodiversity, developing environmental management tools, early warning and minimization of environmental impacts.
EXM – Ex Machina
Ex Machina is involed in the development of predictive models for companies and industries that are influenced by the weather. Its core product is ForecastXM, a Software-as-a-Service service for companies active in the energy sector.
At the same time, ΕΧΜ implements Internet of Things projects, designing and implementing across the value chain of the IoT: from sensors to end-user applicationσ.
Argyropoulos & associates
D. ARGYROPOULOS & Associates is involved in the elaboration of studies on the environment. Studies on the protection and management of the environment are being prepared and consultancy services are provided on environmental issues and programs in Greece and abroad.
An important position in the company’s activities is the drafting of Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) of various projects and activities as well as Strategic Environmental Impact Studies (SEPA). The company has drafted, either as a contractor or as a major partner, in more than 300 EIA and many SEPA.